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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Hello P1

25th Mar 2020

Hi everyone

How are you?  I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.  I am finding life very strange at the minute  as I am still working yet don't see all your smiling faces everyday.  Are you finding it strange doing task time and number time at home?  Well if so, think Mrs Wells is feeling exactly the same!  So its normal to feel like that.  I hope you are all working hard through your work books though make sure you take time out to play as well!  Its the best part of being a P1. 

I have been trying to enjoy the good weather over the last few days and have tried to do some walking or playing football or hockey in the garden but I haven't managed to do it yet today as its been raining here!  I really hope you have got some fresh air too, if you managed to get outdoors!

Zak, Zara and I have been doing PE every morning with the Body Coach on his YouTube channel.  Have you tried it yet?

Its great being able to message you all and I will be in touch very soon

Have fun but keep safe

Mrs Wells