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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Latest News

22nd Mar 2020

I am writing to you in my position of Chair of the Board of Governors of Toreagh P.S.

The Board of Governors must exercise its duty of care to both the pupils and staff of the school. Toreagh is a small school with an exemplary record and staff have worked hard to provide parents with work packs and continuous on-line learning facilities. However, with only 2 full-time senior staff, both of whom are themselves exempted in the current emergency, we regrettably had to inform the Department of Education that we are unable to deliver school facilities for children of key workers and that the school must remain closed.

I can appreciate the difficulties that this creates for you all if any of your family is a key worker but Toreagh unfortunately falls within a category of schools which the Department Permanent Secretary has acknowledged cannot provide this facility.

However, on a more positive note, the Department has also stated that, following a short transition period, it is probable that alternate local arrangements will be put in place. The staff will continue to keep you informed regarding this through the school website or texting service as and when these details are made known to the school.

On behalf of the Board of Governors I would like to express our regret that exceptional circumstances prevent the school participating in the provision of this facility and to wish you and your family safe passage through these difficult times.

Mrs G Anderson
