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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Newsletter 29/05/2020

29th May 2020

Hello everyone,

What a lovely week of weather we have had.  Hopefully you have been able to get outside and enjoy it!  Please remember to keep yourself safe in the sun. 

Have you managed to look into the information about participating in a 30 day activity wellbeing challenge?  Have a look at it and see if you would like to register and participate.   Further information has been attached in Parents Newsletter Section.

We are currently putting together a few videos which we hope to share in our Home Learning Section of our website.  It is essential that these are not shared outside the families of Toreagh and especially not on any form of social media as we have a duty of care to protect our staff and pupils.  We trust that you can understand this and will support us in this request.

Thank you to anyone who has contacted Mrs Wells , via ywells497@c2kni,net regarding if you don’t want your kindness or charity challenge photos shared on the videos or website.

Our Sports Day is still in the planning stages, as are another few activities and information regarding these will be shared on our website in due course.

Thanks very much for your continued support and sending through messages, emails and photos as the staff really do appreciate receiving these.

Have  a lovely weekend.  Enjoy the sunshine!

Take care and stay safe!