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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Newsletter 9th September 2020

9th Sep 2020


As we endeavour to get back to some kind of normality, I want to let you know how well the children are adapting to the new routines. There is no doubt, that children usually deal with change better than most adults. Thank you for all the kitchen roll, handwash etc – I think we will definitely need these!

In school we have to follow the protocols laid down by the DENI. We have an extensive risk assessment which will change as circumstances change. We have worked hard to put in place rules and routines to help keep us all as safe as we can. As numbers continue to rise it is inevitable that more and more testing will be required in the Toreagh community.

Here are a few things to keep in mind based on the advice:

  1. If your child or anyone in your household is showing any signs of Covid -19, your child should stay at home, testing should be undertaken and advice adhered to.

             The symptoms of COVID-19 are:

A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual); or

A high temperature/fever (this refers to the temperature before you give your child Calpol/ Nurofen etc)

A loss of or change in sense of smell or taste. 

  1. If the test is negative, your child/children in the household must stay at home for 48 hours from date of the test and should only return to school if they do not have a temperature. This also means siblings must stay off too. Please let Miss Morrow know.
  3. If the test is positive, your child/ children should isolate for a minimum of 10 days and the rest of the household for 14 days. You need to let Miss Morrow know as soon as you can either by telephone or email ( I regularly check my emails over the weekend. If there is a positive case in a class bubble, the bubble will have to self-isolate for 14 days. Other parts of the school may also have to be isolated for 72 hours before cleaning may commence – this may have knock on effects for other classes.
  5. Additionally, where a pupil displays gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhoea, they should not attend school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days. 

No matter what, the action we take in school will be led by the PHA.

If you need advice, please contact 111 or 119. From what I hear their advice is very helpful.

A few parents have had difficulty booking tests (even being sent to Scotland), I have been told the system will keep updating, so keep trying.

Work will be sent to those asked to stay off or isolating. This will be issued by email and will be sent after school. If your email has changed, please contact Mrs Wilson in the office.

Other Information


A weekly Newsletter will be put on the website on Wednesday. Please read these as this is our main way of communicating with you.

Contact Details / Family Circumstances   

If any of your contact details change it is important to let us know asap. If your family circumstances change or there is anything that would affect your child in school, please let us know so we can keep an extra eye.


If you need to contact the school, please do so via email or telephone. Staff will get back to you after they have finished teaching. If you have a Covid -19 query, please contact Miss Morrow by phone or email.


Homework will be placed in the Home Learning Section of the website. Please check this daily. No homework should be sent into school.

Reading Books

If you have any reading books from last term, please return them asap.

A big thank to everyone for helping us keep safe by adhering to the routines around staggered starts and finishes.

Lyn Morrow
