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Toreagh Primary School, Larne


15th May 2020

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Well it is Friday again. Another week of Home Learning nearly completed! In our staff meeting we were discussing how great it is that everyone is trying their best to complete all the work being posted. Thank you very much for all the support and hard work! Keep it up!

If you haven’t managed to send Miss Morrow a photo for her charity challenge, please do so as she would like to donate as much as she possibly can! Have you managed to have a look at her maths challenges as well?

It has been great speaking to nearly everyone on the phone and we will aim to do this again come June time. However, please remember we are at the end of our email addresses and are happy to help you as much as we can.

We keep posting help sheets, websites and guidance from other sources in the Parents’ Section of our school website so keep having a wee look in there too, particularly in Newsletters and Useful Websites areas. If you do have an issue or concern regarding anything please drop the class teacher an email or school directly on and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

We have attached a link here to the Virtual Sports Day that Spar are running on the 16th June 2020. Please feel free to sign up.     We are hoping to host a Remote Sports Day ourselves and will keep you posted on this. The P.7s are going to be involved in planning this.

Thank you once again for your continued support in these very strange and uncertain times.

Take care and stay safe!