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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Safer Internet Day 2021

9th Feb 2021

Apologies again to everyone who had difficulty accessing the resources for Safer Internet Day.  Hopefully you will find a few spare minutes over the next week or so to revisit them and discuss them together.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the activities with your child/children today, and/or over the next few weeks, as this is a vital element in their education.

We hope you found the resources and activities useful and reassuring today.  The internet really is a valuable resource but we all play our part to try to ensure it is a safe environment for everyone.

There are some links on our website in the "Parents section; useful websites"  for further information for parents who would like to know more.  However if you have any queries, drop Mrs Wells an email at and she will aim to help you as much as she can.

Attached below are a few help sheets to remind you of the important messages from today on the focus of "Exploring reliability in the online world" for 4-7 year olds, 8-11 year olds and parents.  

Safer Internet Day 2021 (9th Feb 2021) View download document
Top Tips for 4-7yr olds (9th Feb 2021) View download document
Top Tips for 8-11 yr olds (9th Feb 2021) View download document
Top Tips for Parents (9th Feb 2021) View download document